Archive for October, 2010


I love how her shoes match the outfit!

Tonight we headed to Publix, which was highly disappointing this year.  I had hoped for more than 4 “stations”.  Last year, they had each department handing out candy and running a fun game – plus each kid got to decorate a sugar cookie, but this year it was one girl as you walked in with two “games”, one lady with a buggy in the produce department and a girl handing out silly bandz as we left.  I don’t know if we’ll be returning to Publix next year at all.

The Little Bumblebee

King B10

Knight CW

Hubby and Bumblebee

We decided to go to see the Royal Family at their church, they had a huge “Trunk or Treat”.  The Caterpillars really enjoyed the bouncy castles, the popcorn and the delightful church members who each had their own decorated “trunks”.  The outreach this church does is amazing.

Prince and Princess

the bouncy castle

I love their smiles!

At the Trunk or Treat

Princess and Bumblebee GO

It was a great evening – we will also do Cookie and Doc’s Trunk or Treat tomorrow, for the actual Halloween.  The level of candy in the house is crazy!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Fall Festival at Preschool

GO had her Fall Festival today, and I was lucky enough to be able to work in the Pumpkin Patch/Helper Photographer.

I did get to ride the Hayride with the class, which was nice, but spent the rest of the time helping all the other preschoolers choose a pumpkin to take home with them and take photos in the Fall Harvest Wheelbarrow and a class photo at the “pretty spot”.

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I am so glad to be able to serve my children in these types of ways.  I remember being a working mum, when B10 was in Kindergarten – and I struggled being his Room Mum.  I knew it was important, but it wasn’t easy.  I am SO thankful that I am able to stay home and homeschool B10 & CW and be GO’s Room Mum.

I know every mother can’t (or simple isn’t called to0) stay at home, and I offer NO judgement – I simply know it’s right for my family, and I thank God that He has provided a way for it to happen right now.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Family Fall Festival

Caterpillars and Sheep

Our church had a Family Fall Festival for kids, and the Sheeps came to play with us!

The weather caused the entire festival to be indoors, which wasn’t ideal – simply because of the crowd, but it was very nice overall.  Everyone enjoyed themselves – especially Sister Sheep and GO who played in the train room almost the entire night!

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B10 really enjoyed the live parrots that were there (what a great idea!).  CW’s favorite was the games, while Brother Sheep seemed to enjoy the baseball and skeeball inflatables.

After playing the games, we headed to the car – stopping for slices of pizza in the big tent.

I really adore our church.  Their commitment to the community and to children is truly Christian, and the people who serve do so joyfully.  They are kind and loving to every child and family that walks through the door – such a difference from some of our previous churches.

I know it’s not perfect, no earthly thing is – but it is a beautiful thing to see people LOVE your children and LOVE your family.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

3 Years

3 years ago, today, I married my best friend.  The man I love more than anything.  The father to my children (all of them, even if they aren’t “his”).

He hugs our daughter and sings her to sleep.

He is CW’s Cub Scout Den Leader, he sleeps in a sleeping bag in a tent and spends hours every week working with third grade boys.

He shares a love of reading with B10, they trade books back and forth (this time – Hubby has just begun “The Red Pyramid” – that B10 finished and recommended).

He works so hard to support our family, he’s learned to geocache, learned to enjoy theatre and learned to love camping.  He’s willingly searched out a church home where we can worship as a family, without pain and frustration.

He’s spent the last three years growing as a husband and as a father – and I wouldn’t trade him for anyone in the world.  I’m blessed beyond measure by God’s good grace.

I love you, my Husband.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Why Torture the Feline?

Someone explain to me why Hubby insists upon torturing the feline, by taking off his pajama pants (when dressing for work) and sticking the cat inside, so her head comes out one leg and her butt/tail out the other?

Sheeba giving the Evil Eye

She is not amused, really – look at that face.

"I am NOT amused"

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Firefighters and Food

After Cub Scout Camping, the Cub Scout Pack had some breakfast casseroles left over.  This morning, I got up early and made them, then the Caterpillars and I (and Queen) delivered them to local fire stations.

The firefighters at the first station asked if the Caterpillars wanted to come in and see the fire truck.  Usually, this is cool, but not TOO cool – because they’ve visited Uncle Sheep at his fire station and seen all sorts of trucks/ambulances.

But, this was probably the first time GO was old enough to KNOW what she was seeing (especially since they have a fire truck visit the preschool last month).

I’m posting all the pictures, because the Caterpillars had such a great time being the only kids there with two firefighters.

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THANK YOU for all you do!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(


My girls!  Freshmen, that I will have for four years!

D-Group Girls!

~Mummy Butterfly )i(

Cub Scout Camping

It’s time for Family Fall Camping and I was actually really excited about this year.  Instead of everyone cooking their own means, the Pack cooked everything.  I have never had a chance to really get into the fire pits and work with a dutch oven, and I was pretty darn excited and impressed with how the meals turned out.  (I was one of the main food/fire people for the weekend – WOOHOO for hot charcoal!)

The boys had a blast, too – as did GO.  B10 kept talking about how this is his last Cub Scout camping trip with the family.  In the spring he’ll be a Boy Scout!  (Gah – where does the time GO???)

Normally, I would put all the pictures in individually, but I’m sort of loving the WordPress slideshow.  (If you hate it – please tell me.)  Without further ado – Cub Scout Family Fall Camping 2010:

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We did end up leaving Saturday night, instead of Sunday morning, but that worked out okay for us.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(


Taking Care of Stuff

So, three years ago, I purchased a lovely shade of Dark Spruce Green paint to repaint my shutters and front door.  It has sat in the garage for three years – waiting.  Just waiting.  For the weather to be perfect, for me to fix the cracks in the door, for who knows what.  It never happened.

Today, I decided I was going to ACCOMPLISH something.  FlyLady has been sending me the emails and I was finally ready to tackle a “big” job.  So I stopped by the Ace Hardware to purchase wood putty.  Took it home and fixed the cracks.  Then painted my door!  It looks incredible, if I do say so myself (feel free to comment and say so yourselves).

Dark Spruce Green vs Nasty Old Orange-Red

This is the finished door:

swept the steps, dusted the cobwebs

view of the Rubbermaid Tub & hiking stick

I actually like the black metal door – I would like to repaint it, but I’m not sure yet on what to use.  I’ll work on that.

pretty black metal outer door

Cookie helped by killing the wasps (about 25-30) that had made a next behind one of the shutters.  I’ll be removing two shutters and repainting the other six the same Dark Spruce Green.

It may take me a month, but I refuse to feel guilty, because in the end – by Christmas I’ll have brand new paint on my door and shutters!  And my house will look awesome from the street.

lovely Fall-ish doormat

another shot of the front door, with matching welcome mat

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

The Cake Pop Disaster

Mrs. B made delightful cake pops for the kids for Mrs. L’s birthday party.  So it was my hope to recreate said cake pops, but make them in dark chocolate with tiny hearts made to look like hourglasses – so they would be black widow spiders.

I did not succeed.

But, they tasted good.

A small slideshow of most of the work, you can see one lone “made” cake pop.

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The good news is that I’m better set for next time!  Live and learn!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(