Archive for October, 2012

Happy Halloween

We did Trunk or Treat at a local church, and for the second year in a row – we were really too busy being “Christmas” (yes, we handed out candy canes and said “MERRY CHRISTMAS!”) for me to take many pictures.  I did have a cute princess, though – not sure where my other Caterpillars (all biblical figures) are…  Well, I know B10 was off winning LIVE GOLDFISH somewhere (people, for future reference, LIVE GOLDFISH are not to be handed out to trick or treaters…).

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~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Otto’s Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Favorite Person in the world!

For his birthday, my Dad and Minnie Mouse sent him a few items to enjoy and become “closer” to the family.  (Also included was a couple of items for Went!)

As a birthday dinner (all decked out in sports stuff), we had jambalaya!  YUM!  The Caterpillars got him some chips and salsa (his favorite snack), sunflower seeds, a stuffed baseball (to play “ball” with Went), a 2 liter of his favorite drink and a few other little things.

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Happy Birthday, Otto!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

My Beautiful Girl

My smart, beautiful, wonderful little girl Caterpillar’s Fall School Picture:

GO – 3 years 9 months old

I love her!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

OPM’s Family Party

OPM’s Sweet Sixteenth Birthday is Saturday, so Otto and I planned her Family Birthday Party for tonight.  She asked for Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad for dinner, and GO helped me make strawberry cupcakes with vanilla icing.

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For her “big” present, she and Otto will be going to see a Shakespearen Play at a local community theatre, next weekend.  We got her a few feather earrings (she likes those!) and a gift card to the movies, as her “small” gifts.

I love family birthdays!  (Even if half of our family was born in October!)

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Cupcake Cones

For GO’s Fall Break, I promised her we would make Cupcake Cones – one of her favorite treats.  I let her pick what colour she wanted the cupcakes (food colouring – vanilla flavor!).  And she even helped me ice them to prepare them for the rest of the family.

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Love this girly!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Visit from Friends

Went and JustC

31Mum and her newest little one (JustC, NC’s little sister) came to visit and meet Went.  JustC was born five weeks before Went (I got to see her when she was born, she’s grown so much)!  😀  Both little ones slept pretty much through the entire visit.

31Mum had run by Krystal’s and gotten us a 24 Steamer Pack (which I had no idea the Caterpillars would eat – but they did!), plus fries.  AND she brought us dinner/lunch for the weekend – homemade chili and hot dogs for Football Games!  😀

31Mum holding Went

Overall, it was delightful to spend time with such a wonderful friend.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Preschool Fall Harvest Fest

GO’s Fall Harvest Fest was today – one of my favorite days of the year.  I really love helping out the teachers at our class booth, but the best part is riding the hayride with her.  (See her first year here and her second year here.)

Holy cow…it’s been THREE years?  *sniff sniff*  That means I only have two years left…  This was the HALF-WAY point!  😦

Okay, enough sadness – here are pictures!

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Otto’s sister came to help, and ended up sitting in the office with Went during the festival, so I could help GO.  I’m so lucky to have such great family around us!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Monkey Hair

How can you not love this?  His hair…his expressions…his *huggableness*!

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Why do I have a blog?  Um, to show off my Caterpillars?  Because I KNOW you all think they are as adorable as I think they are.  Right?  😀

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Big Sister

She is really loving being a big sister.  I love watching her love on her baby brother (even if HE doesn’t always appreciate it).

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Taking a Walk

Today it was just me and the 3 youngest Caterpillars, and I wanted to do something special.  My favorite fast food restaurant is VERY close to our apartment, therefore it seemed like a GREAT idea to take the kiddos and walk on up…  Yes, I had major abdominal surgery 11 days ago.  No, this might not have been the *brightest* idea, but I made it and had a blast.  😀

GO wanted to ride in the stroller (which worked out great, because then I could put the diaper bag and my purse underneath) while CW pushed her.  Went hung out in my sling.

I might go to Krystals a LITTLE often, since EVERYONE in the store had to come see Went.  Including the guys flipping burgers and fries.  🙂

I let CW get a milkquake (and share with sister), plus they got “anything” they wanted to eat (not a bad deal with this crowd – can’t do that with B10!).

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It was a pretty special outing – we can do it again – AFTER I’ve healed some more!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(