Archive for November, 2011

Hanging of the Green

At our church today, King and I led the church in the “Hanging of the Greens”.  It’s a wonderful service where we use decorations to change the sanctuary into the Christmas Season.  There was a Crismon Tree, holly berries and ivy, beautiful altar paraments and vestments and banners/wreaths on the wall.

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King and I dressed up to talk for about 20 minutes on the various traditions of the decorations, and it was a wonderful service.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the information, and loved to watch the transformation in the room.

I can’t wait for next year!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

The First 5/5!

Me doing the 'Caching thing!

Yes, it was an earthcache – there was no actual geocache box – because it was at a preserved historical site where a geocache couldn’t be left…  BUT, it was a 5/5 (and it took almost two hours to complete)!

Fort Pulaski Battle Damage

Cockspur Lighthouse (far in the distance...had to hike almost all the way out there!)

than the November mosquito bites (welcome to Georgia), it was perfect.  One of my favorite caches EVER!

A Closer View of the Cockspur Island Lighthouse (at low tide)

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(


Today I give thanks for:

1) Turkeys.  They are yummy.  Enough said.

2) My beautiful Caterpillars: they are wonderful, special, brilliant, unique and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.

3) Cookie, Doc, Granddaddy and Minnie Mouse: it’s not like any other, but I’m grateful that God gave me the four wonderful people I call my parents, and that I have them around me.

4) My best friends: Queen, Edelweiss, Auntie M and all the other women who I might not talk to as regularly, but love just the same.

5) My past: it’s made me who I am and I’m kinda happy with me.

6) My present: it’s not easy, but it’s wonderful on a daily basis.  I can see the hand of God every single day working in my life.

7) My future: a bright and wonderful place that gives me hope.

8 ) My church: I’ve never felt so loved and accepted, especially since it’s the first place I haven’t felt like I had to “alter” myself to fit in.  They love me.  From the little old ladies to the little kids I have on Wednesday nights, it’s a place that God prepared for me, and has allowed me to fit in perfectly.  I see what fellowship among Christians is suppose to be.  (And I didn’t even have to pretend to change my denomination to be a part!)

9) Love: I have it, I give it, I experience it.  I am a lucky person.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Thanksgiving Feast

About half-way through the feast, she gave me her necklace to wear. (sweet Caterpillar!)

Today was GO’s Thanksgiving Feast at school.  All the little ones stamped their “Native American” outfits and made headbands to wear.  I thought they looked ADORABLE, and the food was wonderful, too!

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I’m so proud of my littlest Caterpillar.  She is doing so well in school, and absolutely loves her teachers (and her cousin Sister Sheep).

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Birthday Gift #3: Delicious!

So, for the third day of my birthday week – I got a piece of chocolate silk pie.  Yes, I am allergic to this pie.  Yes, it makes my stomach hurt.  BUT – it tastes SOOOOO good, that I suffer (in almost silence) a few times a year to taste it.  My slice basically served as my “birthday cake”, without the candle (it’s a frozen pie…doesn’t go well with fire)!

~Mummy Butterfly )i(

Birthday Gift #2: Pretty!

Today was day #2 of my birthday week – and my present was a really pretty, tiny nativity scene.  It’s made so a candle can sit behind it and glow through the window.

Pretty Nativity

I love receiving something small, that could sit out year-round.  And I LOVE candles, so it’s so cool to see it glow!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Birthday Gift #1: YUMMY!

It’s a birthday week of fun for me!  Birthday gift #1: YUMMY!

York Peppermint Patties - A WHOLE BAG!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

It’s A Long Day

It’s November 8th…  Thanksgiving is coming up soon (my favorite holiday of the year), and after that it’s a good 4 weeks until Christmas, when CW comes home for a visit.  (That will be the highlight of the holidays.)

I’m struggling, though, Satan picked today to go on the offensive.   Nasty emails, sad & difficult phone calls, and downright mean comments in person.  I’ve gotten so tired of fighting the battles.  There was an interesting study done about how when you think you’re right, part of your brain actually reacts so you can’t reason with others who disagree.  I see that every day.  What do you respond to, and when do you just let it go – and realize that the other person also thinks (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that they are also right?

I’ve often heard there are three sides to every story: Person A, Person B and The Truth.  It’s taken hours (and hours) of prayer to realize that even when I’m hurting there is little I can do to change anyone’s mind.  I can only continue to focus on God.

And if God and I are okay, then the rest, honestly, doesn’t matter.  Even many of the difficult conversations are with people who I KNOW love me and my family – but hard stuff is part of life.

Right now, however, I’m going to have to tuck into my cocoon.  Gather those who support and love me no matter what around, and (sorry) ignore the rest of the world.  Which is mostly to say – I am pretty much beyond allowing myself to be continually hurt by the people outside.  Pain will come, but I pray it is in brief flashes, with a reminder that God (and others) love and care about me and my Caterpillars.  And that pain does not separate me from the ones who cause the pain, but may give us both time and space to see God’s handiwork in process.

God reaches for me, and I will allow myself to be embraced.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(



So….we’ve hopped full force on the coupon bandwagon (oh yes, spreadsheet and all) – and I just have to be one of those people who shows off their purchases:

Which one of these cost the most?

Steamfresh Frozen Vegetables - 11 bags


One Gallon of Whole Milk


TGIFriday's Frozen Entree for One - 8 bags, Hall's Sugar Free Cough Drops - 1 bag and Dr. Pepper Ten 2L - 2 bottles

If you guessed the milk, you win!  The milk was $3.19, the TGIFriday’s order was $2.19 and the Steamfresh Frozen Veggies? – FREE!

I LOVE couponing!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Princess’ Piano Recital

Princess had her piano recital today.  I wasn’t able to stay for the whole thing (doing Cub Scout work with B10 and Prince), but I got to hear her play – and take a couple of pictures.  She’s incredible!

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~Mummy Butterfly  )i(