Archive for May, 2010

Ren Fest

I found this file on my computer, and realized I had never posted the pictures from when a bunch of friends and I took the Caterpillars to Ren Fest.

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Teegs, Uncle Batman, Mere and C came with us (along with NC – of course).  We had a lot of fun, especially eating the corn!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Kraft House Party

I was selected to host a Kraft House Party – “Little Taste of Summer”.  I hosted a huge lunch for my Pride and Prejudice Cast, with over 25 people.  I provided lunch for everyone (sandwiches, cookies, snacks, drinks) and I think it worked really well.

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The food was delish (THANK YOU, KRAFT!) and you can see all the smiles on everyone’s face!

Oh, and the beach balls where a hit, too!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Spring Football

B10 and CW played football this spring – which is always fun.  The best part, however, was that our friends and family came out and watched the Caterpillars play.  GO really enjoyed walking up and down the sidelines this season.

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Thank you Granddaddy and Minnie Mouse for giving B10 and CW this wonderful opportunity!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(