Archive for August, 2011

I Swear These Things FIND Him

Critters B10 has found lately.

Giant Praying Mantis (don’t look Ms. Dawn!):

It WAS at a church...isn't that where Mantises should gather to pray?

A close-up of his twitchy face...

The weird Caterpillar:

Weird Caterpillar (and not MY Caterpillars - who are also weird).

It’s like my oldest son is Noah…  If he says someone told him to build a boat, I’m buying life jackets and flood insurance.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(


B10’s First Court of Honor

Tonight was B10’s first Court of Honor with his Boy Scout Troop.  He earned his first rank (Scout) and his first Merit Badge (First Aid).  We had a potluck dinner (salads and desserts), which was pretty delicious!  GO played with King, until Cookie took her outside to play.  I ended up leaving early to take her home for bath and bedtime, but was able to see most of the boys stuff (and all of B10’s and Prince’s).

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So proud of my oldest Caterpillar!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Reward Time! – SWIMMING!

GO had a great first week of school, and B10 really did well in his second week of school, so as a reward we went swimming on Friday afternoon.  We had the whole pool to ourselves!

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My little Caterpillars are more like “Catfishpillars”!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

B10’s Photography Merit Badge

B10 is working on his Photography Merit Badge for Boy Scouts, and took some time today to take pictures at the local park.

Mummy and Baby Ducks (well..."teenage" ducks...)

Fish in the Water

He did a great job, and I’ve always been excited about his “eye” for photography.  I have 3 8×10’s that he took when he was 7 years old hanging in the house!  I can’t wait to get this one blown up to put with them.

My Favorite! I love the little purple flower!

I love when Boy Scouts helps him find those “interests” that will serve him throughout his life.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

GO’s First Day of School

Today was GO’s first day of 2 year old Preschool.  She is in Mrs. R and D’s class (tee hee hee, R&D), along with Twin Cousin Sister Sheep again.  We got their early to help with staff nursery, which GO usually enjoys.  Today, she got to play with her friends and had a lot of fun – she didn’t even hang on me very much.

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CPA had taken the day off of work to see her start school, and B10 came out to support his sister on her first day.  She had a minor meltdown when we left her in the classroom, but quickly recovered and had a GREAT day!  Can’t wait for tomorrow!  (Can’t believe my baby goes to school THREE days a week!)

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Story Time

Queen and I took GO to the library for her first real “Toddler Story Time”.  It’s for ages 2 and under at our local library, and this year they have arranged the schedule so GO can attend (even TWICE a week, if we want too!).

She was a bit unsure at first, and wanted to stay sitting on my lap or playing on the alphabet rug right in front of me.

Finding the "G" and the "O".

But VERY quickly warmed up to the puppy dog puppet (named “Shaggy”).

Petting the Puppy (twice!)

She loved the singing and dancing.

Busting a move...making "raindrops"!

And listened quietly to the stories (very age appropriate and well read).

Listening and waiting to make more hand motions.

Afterwards, she got to check out 5 books to read at home.

GO, Queen and her stack of books (two were "Olivia the Pig").

Overall, I was VERY pleased with the quality of the program.  I adore living in a place where we can have free activities such as this.  I can’t wait to take her back (she does so great when she gets into a routine).

My Happy Girl!

~Mummy Butterfly )i(

Meeting Up With the Garden Girls

The Garden Girls were briefly in town for the birth of their new baby cousin.  GO and I were lucky enough to be able to meet up with them for an afternoon at the park.

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I loved having a bit of time with Aunt CC, and GO loved running around the playground calling for her oldest girl cousin!

B10 was camping, so he missed the park, but got to spend the day with them at the Atlanta History Center.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Playing at the Pool

B10 helping GO "swim"

GO and B10 did great today, so as a reward I took them to the pool.

She dunked her head under the water all by herself!

In mid-air!

B10 does so great when it’s just him and GO – he played with her for almost two hours by himself, holding her in the water, encouraging her to jump into his arms and making up games with her (my favorite was when he taught her to “bark like a seal”).

Getting ready to go under again, I've got Cater-Fishes!

I have awesome caterpillars!  (And I miss CW very much…)

My Cater-Fishes

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Sweet Girl

I love that my sweet girl still takes naps.

Happy Girl!

And I LOVE how happy she is when she wakes up!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

CW’s Going Away Picnic

Today we had a picnic with 30 of CW’s closest friends to celebrate him.  He is leaving to spend the next year with his Daddy (about 8 hours away).

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His friends gathered to eat pizza and play on the playground and generally do all those things boys do (roll in the dirt/make pretend guns/etc).  And a few girls, too!

I’m lucky to have so many Mums out there who supported CW by bringing their kids.  We had a blast!

I am going to miss him VERY much, but I know he is safe in God’s Hands.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(