Archive for September, 2012

Field of Greens

See Last Year’s Trip to Field of Greens here.

I wish I could make this blog post longer – because Field of Greens has been an incredible experience – good food, new tastes and lots of fun with friends.  I was a bit disappointed this year in the Kids Section (it’s suppose to be fun, but pretty much everything cost extra and not near the vendors they had last year, GO was *crying* when we left the section- never a good thing).  The food tent was GREAT and I liked the new way they served the farm to table at the beginning of the day.

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And, of course, the company was great (We love you, Edelweiss).  Can’t wait until next year!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Happy Birthday, Doc!

B10 and Doc

Tonight Otto and I took Doc and Cookie out to dinner at our favorite Chinese Restaurant and celebrated Doc’s birthday.  B10 and GO were with us (CW was at a church event).

Cookie and GO

The cute part was that GO couldn’t stop asking where the cupcakes were.  It simply COULD NOT be a birthday celebration without cupcakes!  Even when we told her that Doc’s birthday is actually tomorrow – she then insisted that we would just come to his party and get cupcakes tomorrow, then.  Tee hee hee, girlfriend cracks me up!

Doc and GO

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Hilary the Lion

Hilary the Lion

Our church has a Wednesday Night Choir for little people (ages 3-5) this year.  It’s a new program, but I think it will be great, and GO doesn’t need to sit in the nursery all night long.  She gets to go to play games with the big kids (up to 5th grade) after, but for the first 45 mins she gets to SING to her hearts content.

My girl caterpillar LOVES singing!

Well, the class also has a “mascot” named Hilary the Lion that goes home with the kids during the week.  GO was the first person this year to get a visit from Hilary.  🙂

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Hilary stayed with us for 2 weeks, and we returned her with a new skirt and a pretty scrapbook detailing her adventures!

Yay for Hilary!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

The SECOND Hospital Stay


Snuggling with Mummy

There is not a better way to describe being stuck in the hospital on pain meds (which don’t DO much) and not being allowed to eat.  This time, I really WAS admitted and there for approx 20 hours.  Otto and I left in time on Monday to go down the elevator, cross the lobby and up the other elevator to the Doctor’s Office for my morning appointment.

The nursing staff was again, wonderful, especially my night nurse who brought me treats (a beautiful bucket of drinks and food) and just generally treated me like I was not a crazy person.  In fact, she made sure I knew before I left how to request her should this baby decide to come next weekend at night (she’s only on Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights).

Bottom line, I’m in severe pain.  The contractions are 5-8 minutes apart and on the charts they SHOULD be doing something.  But they aren’t.  My Doctor said the only “solution” to the pain was to admit me and keep me drugged up on opiates, which doesn’t help the actual pain, but I don’t have enough sense to care.  😉  (By the second dose in the hospital I was talking to Otto about the “happy whales”.  He was amused, but not impressed.)

So, the Doctor is going before the Maternal Fetal Medicine Board to try and get approval for a pre-term c-section.  Because of my scar tissue, he has been told he cannot induce, so if baby boy doesn’t come on his own in the next week – another c-section it is.  His first available surgical date is October 2nd.  We’ll see how that goes!

I’m incredibly lucky that Cookie was kind enough to bring the Caterpillars up to see me.  I know B10 is struggling with fear (he is afraid that the recovery will be as bad/scary as with GO’s birth), while CW just wants to have a baby brother to play with.  GO is oblivious to everything, but enjoyed playing with my IV.  It’s funny how to explain things to little kids, and she finally actually seemed to understand all the different pieces when we told her it was like a LEGO that brothers built.  Lots of different pieces that put medicine in Mummy and baby brother.

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Overall, I’m glad we went to the hospital.  I know I hate the invasive procedures, but I need the peace of mind, and this helps me to come to terms with the idea that we won’t be having a VBAC.  I need time to process that.  🙂

Thank you for your prayers.  Hopefully we’ll know more soon.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(



It has gotten very hard to remember any of the good things about this pregnancy.  The pain is so overwhelming that it has become difficult to focus on anything besides the constant contractions and waves of helplessness.

Then today, GO and I were alone “napping” and I realized I have had some precious moments that I don’t want to forget.  Perhaps focusing on those moments and people will help me get through the last few days (or at least tonight).

1) GO is fascinated by the center of my belly-button.  My belly-button is totally flat (not poked out or stuck in), and I have a blue star-shape in the center.  I’m sure it’s simply the end of the blood vessel that was there, but it is quite a bit more prominent in this pregnancy.  She loves looking at the “star”.  She also loves taking a bath with me and “bathing the baby”.  My stomach is REALLY clean!

2) I always knew that B10 was my most sympathetic and empathetic caterpillar, but I have seen him act so mature in the last few months.  He truly understands when others are hurting and wants to make things better in whatever way he can.  I am so thrilled that God has given him this trait, and proud that he isn’t ashamed to take extra time with his little sister (especially in public), when Otto or I can’t.

3) I have seen CW struggle with making all sorts of adjustments in his life, but one of myfavorite things is when he climbs up on our bed with me and just wants to lay with his head on my shoulder.  I love watching his face light up with the baby kicks his hand, and I find myself praying that he has a relationship with the baby like B10 and GO have.

4) I am reminded every day that Otto and I are surrounded by people who love us and care about us.  While I am likely not being as gracious as I should when people ask me questions (I’m truly tired of hearing how cute I am pregnant – even though deep down I DO appreciate it), the amount of time and effort people close to us have taken to make sure that this baby wants for nothing is amazing.  From a car seat to strollers to the incredible sling (and matching one for GO the “big sister”) to the most beautiful Moses Basket that baby boy will sleep in when he comes home…we have truly been blessed.

5) Until these last few weeks, the contractions have been “normal” for me.  While the pain is bad now, overall – I have managed to have a fairly uneventful pregnancy.  I’ve been treated as a “normal-risk” patient (something I haven’t had since B10) and that is a true blessing.  While, perhaps, I wish they would take a bit more interest now, it’s been nice to not have to deal with all the extra tests and doctors visits that I had to endure with the last 3 pregnancies.  It’s been refreshing to have “B10’s pregnancy” all over again.

6) I did smile – a lot, even if I can’t right now.  See – photo proof:

Otto and I – laughing! 😀

It still hurts, and I’m still in pain, but this path WILL end…someday soon.  (I hope.)  Until then, I thank you for your prayers.  Keep praying the new one joins us soon!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Watching Baseball

GO and Friend 🙂

Family friends of our have a little boy who plays baseball near our home.  We’ve joked since GO was born (she’s 11 months younger than their youngest son) that the two will get married someday – and both kids LOVED seeing each other at the game.  🙂  His older brother is CW’s age, and they have done Cub Scouts together since 1st grade!

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So lucky to have friends like these!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

The Hospital Stay

I don’t look awful, considering I’m in the hospital with contractions….

So I SWORE that with THIS baby, I wouldn’t go to the hospital until I was sure (with every other pregnancy, I’ve spent time in L&D in pre-term labor).  But it was not to be.  The pain in my abdomen and lower back (and hips) has gotten so bad, that I wanted to be checked out.  Plus, Baby Boy had a HUGE decrease in movement in the last 24-36 hours.

Otto and I took GO to school, then headed out to the hospital.  I hated him having to take the day off of work, but I have been in so much pain, but that trying to drive myself wasn’t smart.  We stopped at QT on the way so he could grab something to drink and a muffin (and I got a bag of pretzels – but only was able to eat about 1/3), and arrived at the hospital at about 10:45 am.

The check-in process was wonderful, great front desk staff and because I am per-registered, I was in a triage room within 10 minutes of walking in the door to the L&D/Maternity floor.  (That includes the second area where Otto had to get his check-in badge.)

Basic procedure when we got to the room, I even joked with the nurse that I could hook up the monitors myself, if she was busy (blue is baby, pink is mummy – grey to grey/white to white!).  The most reassuring part, of course, was quickly hearing baby’s heartbeat at a good rate.  It was also validating to see the contractions on the monitor.

The nursing staff was AMAZING.  Simply amazing.

The resident?  I could have done without.  I seriously think that if I have to have a resident (or any student) touch me, I should be able to EVALUATE them.  I’m sure she’s a nice person in real life, but it was blatantly obvious that the “textbook” is still the only standard in her medical knowledge.  And *I* am not a textbook anything.

She monitors me, does a check (which I will not go into the awful details of – suffice to say I’m still at about 1cm), and then does an ultrasound on baby.  Baby boy was WONDERFUL – again, knowing he is okay helped immensely.  He is head down and was practice breathing the entire time.  Great movement of his little legs and arms.  I feel blessed that Otto and I were able to have that reassuring experience.

Then she informs me that she has “told” the doctor on call to call the OB/GYN I’ve been seeing and discuss WHY I was being allowed to attempt a VBAC.  Because, I should know “we don’t let women like you VBAC”.  UM – WHAT???

I hadn’t even SEEN the doctor yet!  You’ve already said that I’M NOT IN LABOR!  (Which, by the way, is a phrase I hate.  I am having hard contractions, and am in a huge amount of pain and am dilating SOMEWHAT – so don’t tell me I’m just fine, thank you very much.)

Basically, she (the resident) leaves me off the monitor, offers me a drug I’m allergic to (thank goodness I know the ingredients of the drug she mentioned) and says she is going to talk to the doctor, and disappears.

An hour passes.

Within that time, the sweet nurse comes in and brings me the giant mug of water to drink, but nothing else to say.  Otto and I prepare to head home (it’s 2:30 pm at this point), frustrated, because I’m still in a huge amount of pain, when all of the sudden the doctor shows up.  She is concerned about the pain (thank you, finally) and wants me to get an iv of fluids and try morphine.  The hope is I’ll sleep and when I wake up – I’ll be “ahead” of the pain, and it will be easier to manage it from there.

I also had to endure about 10 minutes of the Resident and Doctor trying to explain why I can’t have a VBAC.  Luckily, between Otto and I (and the fact I’m not crazy, but realistic), we managed to have a civil conversation with the two “experts” on how we understood the risks, and would be trying “thankyouverymuch”.

Sweet Nurse reappears and reattaches the monitors, inserts the IV, then gives me the morphine (slowly, because I can’t recall having morphine before).  It makes me uncomfortable, but not in an allergic sense (however, in the future, I don’t think the benefits are worth the way it made me feel).  She also lets us know that I’ve been admitted for a minimum of 23 hours and she is trying to get us moved to an L&D room ASAP (triage rooms, while having all the same equipment, have AWFUL beds – it’s the only difference that I can tell!).

Sooooo – Otto proceeds to make phone calls to figure out plans for all the Caterpillars tonight and goes to get our bag out of the car.  I’m, by this point, STARVING – but am not allowed to eat (which we can’t understand).  If I’m not in “labor” then why am I being starved?  (The nurse doesn’t know either, and is trying to get the “do not feed” order taken off my chart.)

I do rest a little, can’t really sleep, but don’t feel “awake” either.  The morphine is making me uncomfortable, and the contractions (while spacing out) are become harder and lasting longer.

Otto and I maintain this state of flux for almost 4 hours.  The nurse checks on us twice, still saying the chart says I’m not allowed to eat, but bringing me water.  She’s still trying to get us a room with a better (ie: more comfortable) bed.

Suddenly (and really, it was pretty sudden) – Resident reappears with Doctor.  “They” (the resident) is going to check me again, but then I can go home!  WHAT THE HELL?  Oh, wait, she’s offering me the drug I’m allergic to, AGAIN, to help with pain…

According to the Doctor (who I actually sort of liked, and am pretty sure she was covering for said “Resident”), while I WAS admitted, the nurse should have KNOWN what they meant was they just wanted to observe me for a while.  Then they left and made the nurse come in an APOLOGIZE!

Otto and I cut her off and explained we appreciated how wonderful she was and didn’t hold her responsible at all.  I was LIVID.  I’m not stupid.  I am pretty darn sure that the Resident (or Doctor) just didn’t communicate AT ALL with the nurse.  I also have ZERO respect for passing blame off to a nurse, when it’s pretty obvious that it was YOUR responsibility as the Doctor (or Resident) to communicate with both the patient and the nurse.

Bottom line is that I was discharged with absolutely no addressing of the pain or the contractions.  They offered me a stronger sleeping pill (we took the prescription, but didn’t have it filled).  In fact, the discharge paperwork had a list of “things to come back in for”.  I pointed out that I was being SENT HOME with 5 of the things on the list wrong (and none of them addressed).  Poor nurse just kind of shrugged her shoulders.

We eventually left (takes a while to “get out” of a hospital) and found something to eat on the way home.  The Caterpillars stayed where they were overnight (it was easier for everyone, due to the time and the fact that the idea was for me to SLEEP).  I only threw up half my dinner – and am pretty sure that the reaction to morphine wasn’t great.  Again, not allergic, just not something that had enough pros to outweigh the cons.

Frustrating day, mostly with the medical staff, and I’m now at home trying to rest.  Hard to type (in general) with the IV bruise, but it’s a little easier on the computer than texting (my wrist doesn’t bend as much on the computer).  I’m hoping to sleep a little more, before the Caterpillars come home after GO’s naptime Friday.

Prayers are appreciated.  Especially since I’m back to not being able to keep much food down AND contractions that make me want an epidural…

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

When God Didn’t Listen

My Silly Princess In Pink

I remember when I explained to God that I was a BOY Mum.  I didn’t do girls.  Didn’t particularly like them.  Didn’t want one.  CERTAINLY didn’t want one who wanted to EVER wear pink.

So, no girls, thank you very much.

Classic Silly Face

I’ve NEVER been more glad that God doesn’t listen, but knows me and my true heart.  I cannot imagine my life without the three boys I have – B10, CW and the newest baby boy are truly exactly what I always knew I wanted and prayed for.

But this one – this little girl – she’s such a perfect fit for me, that I can’t help but believe in a God who loves us both.  I am blessed to be her Mummy and so grateful that God doesn’t listen to my wants, but knows my needs.

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Guinea Pig Bathtime

Poor Guinea Pig…  Mary, CW’s guinea pig, managed to make a huge mess in her cage and got poop and pee all in her fur.  The only solution was a Guinea Pig Bathtime.

I did a lot of research online, seeing as we’ve never given her a bath before, and came across a great UK website for people who show guinea pigs.  Luckily, baby shampoo is one of the recommended soaps, and with the new baby coming, we have plenty!  I did the bathing (CW and Otto were cleaning the cage), even though I’m allergic to Mary.

Rubbing dry after bathtime in the big tub.

Using the hairdryer – she didn’t freak at all.

She didn’t freak out as much as I thought she might.  It wasn’t hard at all – not easy, per say – but not like bathing a cat!  We also gave her a pedicure while we were at it.  (I’ve never been so grateful to have a husband who works with rodents for a living!)

She wanted her little face under my arm, but in general sat still for the drying process.

A much happier (and fresher smelling) Mary returned to her clean cage about 45 minutes later.  Still, I hope we don’t have to do this again soon!

Such a sweet girl!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(

Church Baby Shower

The lovely ladies at my church (headed by Queen) threw us a wonderful baby shower – that even had a few men/boys in attendance!  The food was delicious, thanks to SB – our church caterer and a good friend.  The decor was perfect (lots of Monkeys – Princess helped pick the items out)!

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We were blessed with many beautiful gifts and a lot of fun!  I am so thankful to have a loving church family!

~Mummy Butterfly  )i(